Saturday, September 12, 2009

Craziest Week Ever!!!

So this week has been a lovely mixture of "horrendous and magnificent"!

I am probably way over involved what with taking a biological psych class, a writing intensive class, an honors capstone, a sociological class, being House Manager, Homecoming Dance Director, participating in GAMMA Jam, being a sober monitor, and working in two separate research labs. Yea I know I'm crazy, and most people would advise me to give something up ...but I'm just not a quitter!!!

My "to-do" lists this week have been ginormous, the one I'm working on for this weekend has 19 parts to it! Plus this week I had to write two papers, a research outline, read countless numbers of chapters in my text books, and memorize and get evaluated on a 5 page script. It then makes me laugh when people ask me to do something in my "free-time" ...because I don't have any!! :-/

I have barley had the chance to see Anand this week outside of our class together, and I haven't had the chance to go running, fix my nails, or even soak up some rays. I'm seriously hoping that I have a better week next week! This stress and no way to relieve it is just awful.

On the bright side I have done decently on all of my assignments and on my evaluation :) I also was a sober monitor for our Winery social, and somehow I even managed to still have fun!! Lots of fun!

Today Patrick is coming to watch Mizzou's football game with Anand and I, and that should be a blast! Our tigers have really surprised people so far this year with all of their talent in their younger players. I am wearing my #9 jersey in honor of my FAVORITE, Jeremy Maclin! Anand got me the jersey for valentine's day because since Jeremy was going into the draft it would be my last chance to wear his number! Wasn't that sweet? :)

So I hadn't updated in awhile, but in my "free-time" (haha) I promise I'll keep up with it!! ;)

Time to get some foodage before the big game! M-I-Z... (Z-O-U!!!)