Sunday, July 26, 2009

Chicago numero dos

Today was my day to plan what we were going to do! I had seen a lot of friends' pictures with the infamous "shiny peanut" and I was determined to go see said peanut today! We were on our way to Millennium Park (the home of the shiny peanut) when all of the sudden there were LOTS of bicycles all around us! Turns out there was some sort of international bike race in Grant Park, so we got to see lots of really good bicyclists go fast and in big packs!

On the way to my shiny peanut, Christy and Daddy were taking lots of "artistic photos" of flowers and sculptures. I think there are more photos from today than most people take in an entire week ;)

Finally we found the magnificent Shiny Peanut (Chicago thinks it's called "The Bean"...they are so sadly mistaken!) and we took lots of cool pictures of holding up the peanut, reflections, distortions and all sorts of fun stuff! The Peanut was all I hoped it would be and I loved it!!! After the peanut we continued through the park looking at the theatre and the art institute. Eventually we called a cab and then went to Navy Pier.

Navy Pier was a lot more fun in the summertime than I remember it being in February! There were tons of seafood places and little touristy shops with people EVERYWHERE. We ate lunch at Bubba Gump's which was absolutely delicious, and then Mommy and I continued exploring while Christy and Daddy went back to the hotel to recuperate (Christy's tummy hurt). Mommy and I then went on a skyline boat cruise and got lots of wonderful pictures :) Afterwards we went shopping for little knick knacks which was fun! We then walked all the way back to the park and ultimately to the hotel, getting some great pictures on the way!

For dinner we went to Gino's East pizza place, authentic Chicago pizza! I got to hail the cab driver and he somehow managed to cut across 3 lanes of traffic within 20ft!!! His name was Vlad and he liked techno so he must be European. He got us to the restaurant very quickly! We then got to eat our delicious deep dish pizza and sign the walls, booths, and whatever other free space we could find to prove we were there! Ironically enough as soon as we exited the restaurant a taxi pulled up, and as we were getting in I noticed that the drivers name was Vlad! I was pretty sure it wasn't a coincidence, and sure enough when we tried to tell him where to go he said that actually he knew where to take us because he was the same cab driver as before! I thought this was very cool, and he got an extra good tip!!

I just let Anand know I had to go to bed after finishing this post because we have to wake up early tomorrow to go to Long Grove tomorrow. He then informed me he is getting up at 5:45 (EST) and asked when I had to get up...........7:30 central. I felt like a wimp!! At least he's good natured about it all :) He and his family have a 14 hour drive tomorrow, so they need to start early!

Now, however, I will go to bed and feel lucky to only have to wake up at 7:30 ;)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chicago numero uno

Yesterday after Mommy got off work and we immediately left for Chicago for our mini family vacation! Since we were driving the integra and not a rental car I was able to drive for awhile (EXCITING!) however then my excitement got curbed when it started monsooning rain and made it very difficult to even see the road I was driving on! We pulled onto a side road and Daddy and I somehow managed to switch spots (me into the back seat and him back into the drivers seat) without getting out of the car! That was quite an accomplishment! Mommy and Daddy said they were proud of me though for driving well and not freaking out when the weather got bad :) We arrived in Chicago at half past midnight and all fell asleep quickly after such a long drive.

Today was "Daddy's Day" to plan what we wanted to do, so we went to the museum of Science and Industry. There were lots of interesting interactive exhibits, and of course I always had fun pressing buttons here and there! I took pictures of all the things I found to be interesting. We also had tickets to the Harry Potter exhibit which is apparently on it's *international* tour right now! How exciting that we got to see it! The exhibit consisted of lots of props from the movies and well as movie clips, little hands on games, and even moving photographs! The attention to detail was incredible!! I really enjoyed getting to see everything, but I definitely was not a "fanatic." I couldn't answer the special trivia questions such as which spells were invented by Snape and what Dumbledore's brother's name was, oh well. At one point an older man bumped into me and started apologizing profusely and added "Now I have to be extra nice or you might use a spell or a potion on me! Haha!" ...Yea I'm definitely not THAT big of a fanatic! ;)

After the museum we came back to the hotel to rest for a bit and then we went to a restaurant with lots of personality called "Dick's Last Resort." On the way to the restaurant we took a real taxi (Daddy even 'hailed' it!) which was a new experience for both me and Christy. The food was pretty tasty and the clientele was pretty "colorful." There was a bachelorette party nearby and we had fun watching them throw things, dance crazy, screech in their "we're cute and tipsy!" voices, and hit on guy who were creeping closer and closer to the party to try to get some attention. Very interesting to say the least! I really enjoyed sitting outside on the balcony because we could see the Chicago river and watched lots of boats and even a couple kayaks go by. It was a gorgeous view!

After we got done at the restaurant we decided to explore the city a bit and walk back to the hotel. Supposedly it was over 2 miles but it definitely didn't seem like it! There were lots of interesting store fronts and there were plenty of people walking around too so that we still felt secure. Christy got to carry Mommy's "coconut head" that her last drink was in at the restaurant, and we did our best to not look TOO touristy although it was still probably easy to tell we were. I thought it was lots of fun to just survey the city, and especially at night the lit up buildings were beautiful.

Tomorrow is Shiny Peanut Day! I can hardly wait!!! Goodnight for now. :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mid-Week Visitors :)

This week there was a concert in CoMo that included bands named "Sick Puppies" and "Hurt"! The show headliners might sound a little depressing, but it was anything but! I went to the concert with my friends Clayton and Alex. I had seen each of the bands once before at a Pointfest back in the day, and I especially love Sick Puppies. Last year for Homecoming I had our sorority's dancers dance to a song by Sick Puppies :) It was awesome and we did really well! Even got nominated for best choreography ;) I, however, was not their number 1 fan at the concert...there were some true fanatics there who had tattoos of the band's motto and signs and all sorts of stuff. Wow!

At the concert we saw two of our friends, Pinto was at the head of the line waiting to go in and Darren wasn't very far behind! Darren is one of Matthew's good "rock friends" and so I've known him ever since I went to the Pointfest where I first saw Sick Puppies and Hurt. He wasn't here for the bands' music but rather to take pictures of the bands, he's a bit of a pro photographer nowadays. That meant he got to be right up by the stage the whole time! There were also two girls from my sorority who were at the concert, and since I was front and center in the pit I was able to get them to come up front with me! They were so excited it was ridiculous! :)

Today I pack for Chicago, the family and I are going on a mini-vacay to the Windy City this weekend (plus 2 days). That means besides packing I have a lot of prep work to do for leaving the fishies alone and for making sure I take care of Anand's responsibilities while he's away. I think I'm going to go ahead and start making a list of stuff to do so I can make sure I don't forget anything! 'Til next time!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Apartment Time

Now I'm back at the apartment because I still have to take care of the fishies and take care of the responsibilities Anand had. Over the weekend I gave the fishies a food tablet that was supposed to release food slowly so that they would be fed in my absence. Even though the tablet was supposed to last 5 days, it was completely gone by the time I came back! I'll have to be very careful when giving them a tablet while I'm in Chicago because I need to make sure they actually stay fed!

Achilles has been much more adventurous lately because the last time he molted one of his claws grew back bigger, and he feels like he can defend himself again against the fishies! Last night as I was trying to go to sleep I saw him attempting to climb the glass walls of the aquarium and even climbing on plants to get higher up. He's a little stinker, and I think the fishies were scared of him because they stayed in the back of the aquarium as much as possible. When I turned off the lights I could hear him walking on the rocks and climbing, making little clicking noises with his claws on the glass. Luckily he hasn't figured out how to climb the colloseum or the heating tube or I worry he'd actually escape with his new bravery!

Yesterday, when I got back, Matthew and I went to go eat lunch at Pickleman's as the beginning of the "get Matthew accustomed to special Columbia food places" mission. We got the usual asiago chicken pizza, and it was delicious as always! I was worried that Matt wouldn't be full off just the pizza, he eats a bit more than I do, but to make up for it I took him to Andy's ice cream and then that filled him up while giving him two special CoMo experiences :) Eventually he needs to go to HuHot (of course), Okii Mamas, Heidelburg, etc! Until he does he won't be a real CoMo kid! I'm sure the guys will have no problem teaching him though!

I finished my book and was VERY pleased with the ending! I found out that apparently there's a "sequel" (it can be read either before or after) that involves the descendants of the characters I just read about! I'm intrigued and may possibly have to add that to my book list! Although I'm glad I finally know everything that happened and how everything worked out, I still am starting to kind of miss the characters. I've never been one to read books multiple times, but with this one I just might! Of course that's also what I said about Twilight...and I haven't done that yet. (Although I did go back and reread my favorite parts ;) )

This week I plan on trying to run/elliptical as consistently as possible so I can keep getting fit. I was a bit discouraged today when the weather was predicted to be thunderstorms all day long though. I hope they forecast wrong, but it looks like I might just have to use the indoor gym thingy at the apartment complex. We'll see, wish me luck!

Anand is officially in Disney World, today he got to see the "Anandapur" section that I found last year! I was so excited to "find Anand in Disney World" since he wouldn't be with our family, so I took tons of pictures and even ate the "Anandapur duck" at the "Anandapur restaurant." (It wasn't very good though, but at least the thought was there!) Anand keeps in touch when he can, and I'm glad he's having a good time! Maybe some of my experiences from last year will help him and his family figure out what they want to do this year!! (Miss you!)

I think if I write anymore my fingers will fall off, so I'll be done for the day...

An Eventful Weekend!

I went back to St. Chuck this weekend, the reasons both happy and sad. The sad part is that Anand had to leave to go spend some time with his family on Saturday, but I guess I can share him every once and awhile. The happy part was that it was Daddy's birthday and we did a lot of fun stuff!

Anand and I arrived in St. Chuck on Friday. To begin Daddy's birthday festivities we went to a drive in movie theatre and saw two movies that were back-to-back: Ice Age 3 and Night at the Museum 2. I was very happy with our movie choices because I hadn't seen either one! The other movie combo option was HP6 and Terminator, and us kids had already seen HP and we weren't too excited about Terminator, so it worked out really well! From where we were parked we could actually see both screens, and I know Mommy peeked at HP at least once! Haha! Daddy really enjoyed the drive-in because he was able to reminisce about his own childhood trips to the drive-in theatres, and he said even the way people got snacks was basically like he remembered! I thought it was pretty cool that the sound from the movie came in through a specific radio frequency, and it was especially entertaining being in Anand's car because of his fancy sound system! I think Christy chose to stay with Anand and I for the special sound! Overall it was pretty awesome!!

On Saturday afternoon, we all got to go to a Mongolian grill restaurant called HuHot. It's one of my absolute favorite CoMo restaurants because of it's delicious, not too expensive (especially when you eat at the end of lunchtime so you can get lunch prices :) ), it's buffet style which fills up us starving college kids, and you can put together any combo you want! I was really excited that Anand and I got to show my family the ropes so they could enjoy it too. They didn't go back to the buffet as many times and me and Anand did, but that's ok they'll learn!

After dropping off Anand at the airport, we went to a NASCAR race in honor of Daddy's birthday. On the way to the track Christy and I were given new nicknames by some drunken "racefans." Apparently since I was wearing a brown shirt my new name was "Brownie" and since Christy has...well straight legs...her name was "Straight Legs"! I guess it's better than crooked legs though! Christy and I gave each other a hard time and had a good chuckle laughing at the silly people around us.

For the race itself we each picked a driver/car # that was "our driver" and we cheered on that car in hopes that it would win! Something that caught me off guard is that for this particular NASCAR series the drivers run with different numbers than the bigger NASCAR events. For the longest time I was really disappointed in my driver, who I thought was #99 since that's his usual number, because he stayed in the middle of the pack and let tons of people pass him constantly!Eventually I found out that he was actually car #60 and he was in 3rd place, which made me much much happier!! I cheered for Carl Edwards #60 (who incidentally is from CoMo), Daddy cheered for Kevin Harvick #33 (this is also Patrick's favorite driver), Mommy cheered for #32 (the same person as last time when she won!), and Christy cheered for #38 (he apparently was a rookie and did really well!). Ultimately the "bad guy" (Kyle Busch #18) won, Mommy got 2nd, I got 3rd, and Christy and Daddy has car problems and finished slower. Minus the bad guy winning, we had a great time!

On Sunday, Mommy convinced me to stay in town longer to go running with her and Daddy, and in exchange I got new running shoes! YAAAAY! We went to Fleet Feet to get shoes for me and presents for Daddy, then later Daddy opened presents and had pie, and then we ate dinner and went running! I was very proud of myself because the first time I ran with Mommy around the lake I had to walk 3 times to catch my breath, but this time I ran the whole thing AND went down to the bridge and back. I was very proud! Daddy was behind me most of the time and passed me once just for fun! I kept up with Mommy for a bit, but then I slowed down and the distance between us increased a lot! That's ok though because we all had a good time and got the benefit of exercising :)

I went home on Monday morning, and now I'm back at the apartment!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Friends galore!

Monday I got to play sand volley ball with Lydia and friends! I was actually surprised and how skilled a lot of them were, and for once I wasn't awful! :) Afterward, Lydia who is a cooking connoisseur made s'mores brownies at a friend's house. They were going great and then all of the sudden the middle of the brownies wouldn't cook! It was a bit frustrating, but we all entertained ourselves and tried not to "watch the pot boil." It was difficult, but so worth it!

Yesterday, to make up for the brownies Lydia cooked a huge meal of "lovebirds," chicken tetrazini, and chocolate strawberries! I enjoyed it thoroughly, and seeing as she's my pledge mom...MAYBE I can convince her to share her cooking skills and secrets! Matthew arrived in Columbia so he got to come too and meet Lydia and friends. I had a ton of fun!

I had a meeting with our Kitchen Director and House Director today to discuss what we'll be doing for the fall. It was good getting to sit down and plan things, I enjoy being able to offer any help I can! Our membership director named Katie and I got a lot accomplished during the meeting and even figured out how to overcome some obstacles we have with recruitment this year. I hope all the girls are ready to work as hard as Katie has been this summer! If so, we could really recruit a bunch of amazing girls and have a blast while doing it!!

I am about halfway through my book now. I'm very intrigued by the way the author seems to create the story so that my favorite characters have a streak of good luck, and then suddenly something bad happens, but just when I'm about to give up hope they triumph again and keep me on my toes! I never want to stop at the end of a chapter, but sometimes I know I have to so that I don't become a hermit and spend ALL my time with the book!

Our friend Dave's birthday is today so we're going out to dinner and hopefully going to see the Harry Potter movie. I don't remember which book number we're on now, or what happened in the book, but the movie should hopefully bring those memories to life! Christy saw it at the midnight showing last night and thought it was good, I hope she's right!

Anand thinks my blog is funny, he reads over my shoulder when I type and giggles...That's all until tomorrow!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just a regular Sunday...

So today was a fairly uneventful day, but I still had fun with the small things I got to do! Anand had to work so me, Lydia, and her friend Molly went out to dinner tonight at Olive Garden, which was quite tasty. I'm pretty sure all of us got so stuffed on salad and bread sticks that we all took home more of our meals than we actually ate! That just means I have a good lunch to look forward to tomorrow :)

After dinner we all went to Stephen's Lake park and walked on the path that goes around the lake. It was nice just chatting and catching up about girly stuff. Spending so much time with the boys makes me cherish my girl time even more!!!

Lucky for the boys I made some brownies today (that actually turned out really well! yay!) and so I'm sharing those with them just as a "thanks for not minding me being around" gesture. The last time I made brownies they came out tasting just awful, so I was very excited that these were good brownies! My cooking skills have been tested this summer...apparently they aren't very good. Oh well, I'll learn if I want to later!

Anand and I are thinking about getting what I call an "algae-sucker" fish because the fishies' tank is a bit green. I'd much rather have some fishy help keeping that algae under control than having to clean it out weekly!! We'll see though, perhaps I'll give in afterall. Achilles, our blue crayfish, just molted recently which shows that he's healthy. I'm glad all of the fish are cooperating well together! I really wish I could get a puppy, I miss having a little doggy running around, but I definitely can't have something that takes that much responsibility until I'm able to be a good parent! For now I settle for the fishies.

I've been reading a new book recommended both by Borders and by Oprah called The Pillars of the Earth. It's very exciting for me that I get to do some reading this summer because I tend to be way too busy during the school year to be able to get some book time in. This book is set in the middle ages and has a lot of interesting character development. The author claims this book became so popular solely through word of mouth by his readers, here's my way of recommending it to others! I love it so far but I have to be careful to read it slowly or the excitement I get from reading will be over too quickly! This summer I have read Angels and Demons, The Black Order, and Digital Fortress. All three were rather large novels, but sadly I read them in about two days each! I'm attempting to take my time with this one!!

I got exciting news that Matthew is coming up to stay in the apartment for the remainder of the summer on Tuesday! Can't wait!!!

Tomorrow I plan on trying to research with Christine and then I will be going out to dinner with my fellow dance director for Homecoming, Lizzie! Should definitely be something to look forward to!!!

That's all for today! :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

First blog ever!

I was inspired to start my own blog by Katie and Phyllis after a tough night of dining chair re-upholstering at the House. They make it sound like so much fun! Also, I was inspired by my grandma, she always has great letters she sends to everyone either through snail mail or email (depending on which is the more accessible option for her friends.) I could probably tell you my grandmother's life through her emails, it's quite incredible! Her letters practically become her own blog and I really am amazed by that. Hopefully I can keep track of my own life in the same manner! What I have to say isn't all that significant, but at least it's healthy to write out my ideas!

This summer is both flying by and chugging along at the same time. I was trying to find a decent job for awhile, and as soon as I gave up and stopped applying to jobs (summer is nearly over and recruitment would take a huge chunk of time anyway!) then someone emailed me to set up an interview, go figure! I feel like summer is already gone, but since I don't have a lot to keep me busy each day itself seems to take forever. I really wish I had planned a bit more ahead and started applying in like March or something, but better late than never I suppose. I'll soon know if I'll be employed or not this summer/fall!

I have been keeping somewhat busy by doing small House Manager tasks here and there to get ready for the fall semester and also by doing research with a grad student in the psych department! Researching has been a lot of fun and such a great opportunity. Between my grad student friend and my adviser (who is now back whoohoo!) I actually have somewhat of a grasp on my future! There's so much I need to do still to get ready for everything before I graduate and apply to grad programs, but I'm not going into it blindly anymore! Thanks so much Christine and Miranda!

I pushed back my grad date for now to December 2010 instead of May 2010 so that I can get more experience and have time to really work hard at researching and study properly for the GRE. I'm thankful that I'm no longer graduating in 3 years because that just doesn't seem like enough time to really make all of these big important decisions I have regarding grad school and my future. I'm also super excited because now I get to spend more time with Phi Mu. I was really bummed out that I'd be missing an entire year of my sorority (sounds corny but it's true!) because there's so much more I want to do to get involved and try to help people out! PLUS if I left early that just cuts off another year I'd get to dance which would be horrible to have to give up. I love dancing way too much, so now at least I get to extend my dancing career a bit longer!

I've recently started running to try to stay in shape. I can definitely tell my metabolism is slowing down now, yay adulthood! I run outside on a trail that's nearby and I estimate I run about 4 miles or so each time. It feels so good to know I can run for 45 minutes without having to stop. The actual running part is pretty rough, but the feeling of accomplishment I get after running definitely makes it all worth it. The only downside is that after I run my immune system isn't so strong and I keep getting little colds from my allergies. Hopefully this will go away when the pollen and mold counts aren't so high! Now is one of those periods where I have a cold so I've been using an elliptical inside so I can still stay active but get healthy again too! I was really excited to get to go running with my mom, she has been doing great and really is turning her health around through running. Right now she runs at a faster pace than I do, so now I just gotta catch up to mama! :) I'm so proud.

I probably have a lot more to say, but for now I'm going to end and save all other thoughts for tomorrow. Thanks for reading!