Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big changes this way come...

So there have been lots of huge things happening in my life lately!

First, Phi Mu got 5th place overall in Homecoming which is amazing!! Number 5 out of 14 isn't too shabby! It was funny though because all of the areas we thought we would do well in are the ones we didn't place in, and the areas we didn't even concentrate on were ones that we got first and second place! Funny how that works out :) I'm so proud of our pairing! And definitely kinda sad that it's all over..

Second, my term as House Manager for Phi Mu is coming to a that my term as President of Chi Chapter can begin!!! I feel so honored to be elected by my sisters for such an important position. I think everything will run smoothly considering I'm able to transfer many of my skills from House Manager to President, but regardless I really want to do well! My term actually starts in January, although our current President and Chapter Adviser are already helping me transition over! :)

Third, my life in terms of planning for my future has been crazy lately. Literally everything I do on a daily basis directly impacts my life for the next 6 years since I plan on going to grad school. Scary huh? Well I sure think so. Consequently I'm not able to be there for Anand as much as he needs me to be, and in order to take care of myself, we're not together. Boyfriends take a lot of work and I regretfully just don't have the time and energy to be able to keep up. We've talked things through, and I'm glad he understands that this is for the better of both of us in our current stages in life. Still such a hard decision but I'm surviving.

Other than those three things... school is going well, my research in one lab is almost finished, my capstone project has been submitted to the important psych people, and I'm still managing to have a little bit of fun in my "spare time"!!! That's all for now. I'll try to keep this more updated :)