Friday, October 9, 2009

Oh this semester...

This semester has been kind of ridiculous, I'm definitely going to be taking some reallllly easy classes next semester so I don't get my butt kicked anymore! School has me running around like crazy, then my research labs on top of that take up what little "day free time" I have while Phi Mu takes up my "night free time" for dance! At least dancing is a great stress reliever for me and I still have fun!!

Speaking of, dancing is going amazing. I love the fraternities we're paired with for Homecoming this year and all of my dancers work really hard to learn the dances and catch up when they've had to miss practice. I've hung out with them a lot too and they're pretty chill! :)

Our new Baby Phis are being have initiation tonight, and I'm so excited! They're all amazing. We are having our pledge family dinner this evening and I'm so excited our family is expanding with such awesome girls! I can't wait for them to be full out sisters! Love them.

It's weird because I have so much going on that I can't think of anything to write about...funny how that works out! I'm done for now...