Saturday, August 1, 2009

The week after vacation...

The week after vacation is kind of sad because all of the excitement is exchanged for day-to-day chores and duties. This week was "pack up, prepare for leaving, finish House Manager responsibilities, train for 5 mile race, eat food so it isn't wasted, answer emails galore" week.

When I got back I had lots of emails to catch up on from Phi Mu girls, so I started there because a lot of their questions and requests needed to be answered in a timely manner. I've also been finishing up the parking list and trying to figure out who is moving in on what days, it's been very hectic! I think I have the majority of everything under control now from this past week. Now I just have to prepare for NEXT week! Aaaaaaaah! lol

On Wednesday I was very proud of myself because I ran 5 miles down "Matthew's part of the trail" and I did it all without stopping, at a faster pace, and I wasn't even that tired! I had FUN! I know it's an unusual concept, having fun while running, but I promise it actually happened! For the first time in a awhile my legs were tired instead of just my lungs being tired, and it felt good. :) Hopefully that means I'll do well at the "Flat 5" race this weekend (which is also a 5 mile run) because this is my first race with Mommy and Daddy where I've actually been somewhat in shape! Mommy has gotten a LOT better, and Daddy has a heart rate monitor to keep his pace steady, so it should be a very interesting competition! ;)

As far as packing goes, I had no idea I had so much stuff! I had to pack up my stuff first so that I could get it out of the way and then pack up the rest of Anand's stuff (he's still out of town :( ). Last night I somehow managed to stuff it all into my car, it seriously was like a jigsaw puzzle! I brought all the unfinished food home with me because I couldn't stand seeing it get thrown away after I had to pay for it! I had a Walmart styrofoam cooler thing behind my seat as I was driving home and every bump made it do that "squeaky" sound which was ooooh so much fun on highway 70!

When I got home I was welcomed by two very happy doggies, Sassy and Zazoo. They were both groomed while they were at the kennel for our vacation, and now Zazoo smells nice (for once!) and Sassy has a new haircut. They trimmed away Sassy's "mane" and fluffy fur so now Mommy calls her "softball-head," Christy thinks she looks gorgeous, Daddy makes fun of both opinions, and I think she looks funny but still cute. Her new haircut has given her quite the confidence though! Apparently she and Zazoo were playing tug of war, and Sassy won! Usually Sassy is wimpy and gives up when he growls but now she's acting like a true Alpha dog! Maybe she feels cuter, maybe her hair was holding her back, maybe she has better peripheral vision, or maybe she just feels like shes on an even plane with Zazoo. Either was she is much braver now and is finally standing up for herself!!! I'll still spoil Zazoo of course, so he doesn't feel left out :)

Tonight we have Rama's daughter's Arangetram (an Indian ceremony). Rama works with Mommy and she knows I am dating Anand, so she thought it would be a good experience for us to experience the Arangetram. I'm going to wear a pair of my new sandals and a new long dress, I'm so excited! I just hope we don't do anything that is embarrassing! It should be lots of fun!!!

I'll keep you updated :)

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