Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Apartment Time

Now I'm back at the apartment because I still have to take care of the fishies and take care of the responsibilities Anand had. Over the weekend I gave the fishies a food tablet that was supposed to release food slowly so that they would be fed in my absence. Even though the tablet was supposed to last 5 days, it was completely gone by the time I came back! I'll have to be very careful when giving them a tablet while I'm in Chicago because I need to make sure they actually stay fed!

Achilles has been much more adventurous lately because the last time he molted one of his claws grew back bigger, and he feels like he can defend himself again against the fishies! Last night as I was trying to go to sleep I saw him attempting to climb the glass walls of the aquarium and even climbing on plants to get higher up. He's a little stinker, and I think the fishies were scared of him because they stayed in the back of the aquarium as much as possible. When I turned off the lights I could hear him walking on the rocks and climbing, making little clicking noises with his claws on the glass. Luckily he hasn't figured out how to climb the colloseum or the heating tube or I worry he'd actually escape with his new bravery!

Yesterday, when I got back, Matthew and I went to go eat lunch at Pickleman's as the beginning of the "get Matthew accustomed to special Columbia food places" mission. We got the usual asiago chicken pizza, and it was delicious as always! I was worried that Matt wouldn't be full off just the pizza, he eats a bit more than I do, but to make up for it I took him to Andy's ice cream and then that filled him up while giving him two special CoMo experiences :) Eventually he needs to go to HuHot (of course), Okii Mamas, Heidelburg, etc! Until he does he won't be a real CoMo kid! I'm sure the guys will have no problem teaching him though!

I finished my book and was VERY pleased with the ending! I found out that apparently there's a "sequel" (it can be read either before or after) that involves the descendants of the characters I just read about! I'm intrigued and may possibly have to add that to my book list! Although I'm glad I finally know everything that happened and how everything worked out, I still am starting to kind of miss the characters. I've never been one to read books multiple times, but with this one I just might! Of course that's also what I said about Twilight...and I haven't done that yet. (Although I did go back and reread my favorite parts ;) )

This week I plan on trying to run/elliptical as consistently as possible so I can keep getting fit. I was a bit discouraged today when the weather was predicted to be thunderstorms all day long though. I hope they forecast wrong, but it looks like I might just have to use the indoor gym thingy at the apartment complex. We'll see, wish me luck!

Anand is officially in Disney World, today he got to see the "Anandapur" section that I found last year! I was so excited to "find Anand in Disney World" since he wouldn't be with our family, so I took tons of pictures and even ate the "Anandapur duck" at the "Anandapur restaurant." (It wasn't very good though, but at least the thought was there!) Anand keeps in touch when he can, and I'm glad he's having a good time! Maybe some of my experiences from last year will help him and his family figure out what they want to do this year!! (Miss you!)

I think if I write anymore my fingers will fall off, so I'll be done for the day...

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